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Well kinda.

The first is Zitz of Battletoads. Is one of many discarded sketches, on this one maybe I will put him tentacles like emulated the infamous level 3 of the original game.  xD

The second is a fandom character of Mune the guardian of the moon, however I cannot decide the colors, so maybe will be on two versions.

On the third picture is about Kuzco, yeah he is back, more sexy, more sensual, more... cool... as you know how is he.  xD

And the last one is Djali doing yoga (again) on a very hard pose.




if youre thinking about colors for the fan character of mune, what would his direct negative look like? Some kinda pink right?


Ooh Mune is showing off :D. (for background color some red or orange hue might work)