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Yeah I am preparing more naughty stuff for the future.

Thumper is back and he looks a bit more older, the other deer is Geno, one of the Bambi´s children, that would be my official design... for now.

And the last picture, well, Gobo and Bambi are worship Ronno´s butt I guess.  xD 

And about that picture it has a new method for paint, it looks the same but is 50% more faster and the lighting is a bit more realistic.

I am practicing a lot.  :D




I like Thumper's new design. Geno looks good. He works out his neck! XD "Gobo and Bambi are worship Ronno´s butt" :V :O They have an addiction to butts. Bambi and Ronno are two peas in a pod. What would make it 100,000,000x better if one of them pressed their finger on the middle of a cheek. https://img2.gelbooru.com/samples/bd/d3/sample_bdd3a2f484bc2a3b8cb644394993ae78.jpg <-- like that.


no no, they're not sticking their finger inside the butt. Just poking the butt cheek 🤣


I even I don´t think on it. xDDD Anyway, both ideas are hot, super hot. xDD