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Some people ask me how work my comissions, well, here is an example of a friend and is a WIP.

I make multiple pictures of the request and the person must select one of the versions. On that case are 2 versions, V1 and V2. The other pictures around the main situation are random and practices, but if in the future someone like one of those I can paint it too.

If the user don´t like none of those I make more until the person select one and then start to paint.  :3




Just a general question that wasn't really clear with what you said above. If someone didn't envision the commission with the 1st round of sketches and asked for more, and a 2nd series is drawn, does it cost more for you to sketch another page?


No, well, if the person don´t like none of those, then I just discard that sketches and make more. Should be dumb increase the cost just for draw sketches. x3