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The crossover continue.

Dreams and nightmares are here. A battle between Mune, Master of the Dreams and Cheshire, a guiding spirit from the Heart of Darkness, a corrupted form of Wonderland.

One can make large jumps and kicks, and maybe put to sleep someone with his magic, and the other can teleport and on a nightmare summon tentacles... in case Alice is corrupted or scary.




Heart of Darkness was a book I read in Humanities in college. About a man investigating a mysterious forrest that corrupted people with insanity. Cheshire Cat would most certainly kill someone with insanity. Do you imagine their fight would be something like a DBZ fight?


I didn´t knew was a book, only I mentioning the lore of the videogame. Actually I think Mune on a dream can fight like DBZ. xD But Cheshire haven´t powers excepting the teleport. I need balance it on a future picture. :v