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Hi there, I am posting this picture on another computer... testing it. And well I decided show some of my next pictures, some will go for free, others exclusive for patreons. There are more WIPs but I do not have on flat colors, there are only lines and... looks blurry on this kind of presentation.  :v

So there you go, mostly Bambis, Ronno, Karus, Thumper, Simba,Faline, Skippy, Djali, Cheshire cat and our new guy on the gallery: Mune... well i drew him before but as an experiment. After practice enough I think I can draw more sexy stuff for him. However I modified his body, on the movie he looks ridiculously tinner, I added a little more of muscles and, of course a nice butt and genitalia... and, listen, here in Mexico we have the tradition of identify the size of the phalum measuring the size of the hand, example were start the palm of your hand to the end of your middle finger, that is the size of yours, so Mune has huge hands, imagine the size of him! =P

If you like this kind of presentation of WIPs I can present more in the future, there are more pictures left to show, between those there are more of Skippy, Bambi and company, Djali with Achilles and some special works for Todd and Copper, they are looking so cute.  :3

For now that´s all, I am going to keep making experiments with this new... well, is a pretty old computer, veeeery limited for work, is a thing of 10 years ago... maybe more older, yes, maybe more, but it works. I hope soon post real pictures, and let me know about the WIPs. I have many characters on my wishlist, and I have in mind dinosaurs, if you have ideas let me know for consider it.

See you soon.  :D



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