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 My friend, I always remember you, so brave and so strong. In this land we traveled together as friends, as brothers, as family. You will travel for many places, your wise was aunique and thanks to you, I survived.

On the death our paths are the same, but our desitny are different. You will travel to Mictlampa and I to Huitztlampa. That will be soon. But today, and always I will remember you and I know you will always be with me.

My friend, my frother, my family. 




I wanted to see if anyone posted a comment on Inkbunny and what they had to say for this. Nobody's said anything yet. Its a tough photo. Not used to seeing you touch a subject such as animal skin clothes before. You have a deep description as well. Is this related to the loss of a real life friendship? edit: even 3 days later it hasn't been commented on.


Sorry I am busy on Real Life. x3 Actually, yes and no, I inspired of a lost of a friend many years ago, but in the same time I inspired on the aztec folklore, they had many crazy ideas, just google "codex borgia" as an example. :v