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Good morning to you

good morning to you

good morning my friends

good morning to you.




Good morning, we don't see you very often and its nice to see you today. I see Atlasfield's struggle with female characters. You do something similar to early artists. But I don't complain because I appreciate the androgyny of your characters. Both of your deer designs have hips of similar sizes, perhaps Faline's are a bit larger but not by much.


Yeah... But if you want I can make and try to make more "male" my males... well, I think I am doing it. =P On the case of Bambi is, well, because looks very femenine his design, since the original Disney, is questionable is real nature, and this is the topic I touch when I make him. Other characters like some of my OC don´t look androginies... too much. x3