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I decided share this... well, silly thing. I am moving everythinng on my pc master, basically the pictures, comissions and all my wips are safe on this new backup, however all the colors and information I have right now are on my other pc, basically saved on corel files. On my old pc is more old the corel, on the other... well still old but is different and the config for save many things are not in all compatible... yeah it sucks.

So I am building this beautiful palette.  :3

I know is silly, but I need it for do not add the colors directly from screenshots of the movie or from my old pictures. I decided organize all on files, and maybe can work for future works or characters.

Also, I had a terrible week, sorry for the delay, I supposed to back to draw since the last monday but we had with my family a lot of problems and I needed support overtime on the bookstore. Is a large story but I can say it was a disaster, and until now I have the oportunity to sit down and start again drawing something.

For now that´s all, please be patient, I hope I can able to show during the week a new... well is not a  new picture, is a delayed picture.  xD  But I hope I can able to share with all with you and many, many new sketches, all this time on the bookstore gave me time for draw many new silly things and I hope I can able to share when I have the oportunity.

And that´s all, see you soon.




Get those overtime hours out of the way. That money will go to good use. And don't let the stress overwhelm you. Manage it a little bit at a time to keep you feeling better. Also remember to drink plenty of water, helps out keep your head straight in situations such as these. Making a pallet of your characters is a great idea. I'll think of doing that too. I've never bothered to color anything so making a pallet sheet would be perfect for later.


Thank you. Normally I care on this point because, you know, colors are important, and is a point always cared me since I was a kid, and I remember when I was a kid I made a palette with basic colors for some OCs but it was long time ago. Now I have more characters it mean, more colors. :v And yes it was a heavy week, I expected return to draw and post other things with Bambi and videos, but I couldn´t, basically was imposible, only I had a couple of minutes one day for publish a pack of textures, but that´s all, nothing impressive or important. :/