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Hello everyone,
In middle of creating next animation I was considering if there would be enough of potential audience for VR videos.
This isnt anything that I can promise just yet, but I will try to soon render a quick demo for VR viewing.

I've made a very short poll about it, I would appreciate if you could vote in it!



I would certainly be very interested! Your 2D animations are always incredibly detailed and of excellent and outstanding quality, thank you very much for your _hard_ work :D I'm hoping that now with the release of the new PSVR 2 (which imho is the first actually "affordable", usable and high quality headset for the masses) the adoption rate of VR will skyrocket, so hopefully there will be a growing market for your new VR animations as more and more people get exposed to this new and exciting technology, wonder about other potential alternative uses for their new VR hardware, and will (hopefully) choose to become intimately familiar with the new incredible possibilities for *ahem* immersion and excitement in the VR pornographic universe. I'm not sure if you've got the render resources to pull this off, but would it be possible to offer new VR animations in some of the higher resolutions and with majestically skyhigh higher bitrates? Perhaps even up to and including 8000x4000 @ 200Mpbs HEVC in a MKV container? (I know that this is a humongous ask :$) Especially the more intimate scènes are straight fire in VR, and I can already just imagine the insane possibilities if for example, you were to perhaps release a VR version of your incredible Tifa throatfuck animation. MAN that'd DEFINITELY be a nutbustingly AWESOME development! If you'd need more render resources to pull off something something like this, or perhaps you would like a little bit of help setting up your video compression pipeline and/or actually performing the computationally intensive video encoding step for those higher resolutions and bitrates (with ffmpeg for example), please drop me a message! I'd be glad to help you or give you some pointers :D (I'm a computer programmer and web developer among many other PC related things, so if you'd like some help with anything else, for whatever reason, please let me know :D :D


Thank you for the comment. The main problem regarding VR rendering is the render time. Where I normally have a animation that is 300 frames in 4k25fps - I essentially have to render 4x frames - 2x per eye and 2x for 60fps which makes it 1200 frames that can take 2-6 minutes each depending on resolution and quality. Bitrates and compression arent that much of an issue, its just unless I would have separate machine for rendering or rented server to do so, I'll most likely will be rendering to some equivelent of 4K for VR to get a reasonable time. It's possible to be upgraded in future (or maybe with the help of AI upscaling?) but for now I'll be trying it out with lower res to test the waters.