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Bunch of short anims coming out soon, mainly waiting for audio and whatnot for last touches.

I've updated the furry archive with a lot of animations if you haven't seen (mostly gay though) but if you don't care about them, my usual stuff as mentioned above, is coming soon.

After release of some of the short animations, Im considering getting back to longer anim (like elf or nun anims in past) next month. Will see about it. I was planning to do a thingy with Reina but it might just turn in short anim itself as I wasnt satisfied with results.



Weren’t you working on a long Ivy animation or am I confusing you with another animator


good stuff. could you add a column on the gallery showing upload date?


There was Ivy thing, but it got scrapped in the end and I ended up making the Elf anim instead.


No yeah I know, but having the upload date would make it easier to know what's newer. I just think it'd be cool


Will see, it did use to show date but ... for certain reasons I had to remove it not so long.