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 I know I'm not a very good HUMAN BODY DRAWER (So ignore how fucked the proportions on these are) BUT I wanted to draw out some Pokemon armor designs I've had in my head. Which one do you guys think would translate into a better cosplay on me, Gyarados or Raichu? If I did these, it wouldn't be for a while, but I was just curious what you guys thought. <3 (the design on the left I would probably have a trident but I forgot to draw it. xD) 




Respectfully, given your skin tone, I would opt for Gyarados. Plus, you could work in the bluish/purple coloring you favor. Finally, "chus" are overdone; who's done a Gyarados?


I'm would have to say Gyarados ^^ You will look feirce and it's true you don't see many Gyarados cos. The trident idea for the weapon would suit compliment it greatly. Can't ws8t to see what you decide on ^^


I would say Gyarados you would look so much cooler.


Pikachu. Come on, man.


Really? it's known that warm colors suit skintones like mine, vs blue clashing, so that's interesting you think that! I've actually seen WAY more Gyarados cosplays at cons lately than Raichu. People do a lot of Pikachu, but I've literally only seen one raichu at con.


Well, there's your answer: you want to do Raichu more. :)


I think you could pull both of them off. But if I have to choose I would say Gyarados


Shoot! I need to read more closely. Um, the yellow one.


I have seen quite a few people doing Gyarados. It is more common than Raichu, but just from your concept drawings, I like the Gyarados better. I do like the thunderbolt sword though lol


I really want to see the the Raichu one :)