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EPIC+ TIERS! Sorry I didn't deliver them as soon as I woke up. As soon as I woke up, I learned some idiot and her friends were saying I was racist for this exact cosplay? So I had to deal with THAT shit, which is pretty much under control now, and she looks like an idiot, since this is my natural fucking skin tone. (She was posting that I use dark foundation for my cosplays of tan skinned characters.... um no. I'm tan, as you all know.) BUT I SENT THEM OUT A LITTLE BIT AGO SO THEY ARE CHILLING IN YOUR INBOX! I updated my email lists today, but if for some reason they aren't in your inbox, let me know and I'll forward them to you! 




I received mine thanks i love em ❤😍 !!! Again fantastic job and don't worry whether you send them a little late doesn't matter at least to me hope you had a nice nap after staying up late


I slept well! xD Well I'm really big about being on time and stuff, so I'm shooting Esdeath at the end of the month so she's ready for you guys on the first hopefully! c: (I wanted to shoot Sombra at the end of feb but I wasn't healed enough yet.)


Its okay stuff happens from time to time im just happy your feeling better excited for esdeath she's a bae lol


These are amazing. Every month gets better and better <3