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Tonight i'm gonna post a new album (Anna Williams!) So keep an eyeball peeled!

Those in the appropriate tiers, I'm recording my vlog tomorrow! I'll be addressing the boob situation (which I am currently preparing for, Surgeryis in two days.) SO SEND IN YOUR QUESTIONS. NON-BOOB related. I'll be covering pretty much every question I've been asked about my boob job so , no need to ask about that. xD 


Juan Carlos Nunez

Thoughts on crossplays? Would you ever do any and if so which pop to mind?


I've done four! But I'll show you which ones in the vlog.... xD


If you could make any cosplay without having to worry about money, time or skill level, what would you make?


Whats was one of your favorite animated movie growing up could be anime or non anime? What puts you in the mood to work on cosplay anything in particular?


I answered this question in my last vlog I think, if you wanna check back? It was either the last one or the one before it. xD