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Okay so.... LONG POST INCOMING. I threw together an image of cosplays I want to do for 2017! Long story short, plans will probably change. There are 20 cosplays here, and I usually do about 20-30 cosplays a year. I would EXPECT to see about half of these for sure, and then a bunch of other random shit thrown into the mix, if I see a new design I like or get sick of looking at some of these! I probably forgot a bunch of them too. xD I'm going to breakdown my thoughts on EVERY POTENTIAL COSTUME here, in order to organize my thoughts and provide a bit more insight. Later on, depending on how much time I have and if I reach the poll goal again, some of these may be COMPETING AGAINST EACH OTHERS IN POLLS! Let me know if some of these in particular you can't live without seeing me cosplay, because if more than a few of you want to see something specific, I'm more likely to follow through with it! (also i didn't include rayquaza and my new ragyo cosplay here, because they are both almost finished).  (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER)

1. White Outfit Tan Skin Cammy White from Street Fighter- This is probably happening for sure. I have the wig already, and this will be a twin duo with Chey, she'll do the Black outfit, pale skin version of the same figure, which was also released along with this version.

2. Siesta 45 from Umineko No Naku Kor Ni - Definitely happening at ALA, I've been wanting to do this obscure cosplay for YEARS! You guys probably know I love Military designs by now. I've had the wig for this for almost 3 years now, Chey will do Siesta 410 with me, so this is another duo. 

3. Morrigan from Darkstalkers - I have the wig for this. This cosplay is going to be a challenge for me because of the wings and bunnysuit, two things I've never made before! This is yet another duo, Chey will be Lilith.

4. Felicia from Darkstalkers - Something I've been thinking about lately, at first I was kinda "eh" about the idea, but I think it would be really fun to figure out how to do the fur claws, and also how to engineer the skimpy parts! Potentially a duo, Chey might do a palette swap version (Black fur with pink hair as an example.)

5. Lollipop Chainsaw (LOLLIPOP KHAINSAW VERSION)- OKAY SO, I've had this idea for a long time! Maybe it's dumb but I think it would be cool to do a Juliet Starling cosplay, except as myself wearing  the same outfit, except it's palette swapped with the colors and logos from my High School. (Black and Green and White, Derby Panthers), and using my real hair. More likely if I can find someone to make the chainsaw for me. @_@ 

6.Widowmaker Overwatch- This is happening for sure next year, I have the wig and a few materials for it. I really wanna go above and beyond with this one, I've only seen one other Widowmaker cosplay that satisfied me. I know it's kind of hard to pull off, so I'm a bit nervous about filling my own expectations.

7. Goddess Symmetra- This is also happening for sure, I have some of the materials already I've always wanted to do a super Indian themed cosplay (in case you didn't know, I'm half indian!) and when I saw this skin I was like AHHH PERFECT. Also, she is my main in Overwatch, and the skin I almost always use, so it's meant to be after all.  xD

8.  Mileena Mortal Kombat - This was one of the first cosplays I ever wanted to do. For personal body image reasons I didn't feel confident pursuing it *cough boobs and belly button* , but this year I will finally feel confident enough to possibly do her. 

9. She Hulk - I really wanna do some Marvel stuff this year, and I really think it would be FUN TO BE GREEN. Also her bodysuit looks fun to make. 

10. Scarlet Witch - Another Marvel beauty I've been eyeballing for a while. When it gets closer to summer though, I may be torn between her and She-Hulk.

11. Ame-Comi Wonder Woman (V. 3) - I LOVE this version. It's one of my favorite Wonder Woman outfits of all time, but it looks difficult to pull off. The figure LOOKS LIKE ME though. xDMaybe I'll just do another regular version of WW?

12.Raven from Teen Titans - Raven I have looooved since I was a SMOL CHILD. I like her comics appearance better than the Teen Titans (TV SHOW) version though.  Would likely be a duo with Chey as Starfire! 

13.Cinder from RWBY - I get told to cosplay her a lot, and I love RWBY. I originally wanted to cosplay Pyrrha... but her hype is kind of dying *COUGH*. This would be something easier to do amidst all of these more difficult cosplays I'm planning for 2017. 

14. Lulu from Yuri Kuma Arashi- I just really love this design and the anime was cute This would be a duo with Chey as Ginko. LESBIAN BEAR POWER

15. Alexstrazsa from WoW - She has been my favorite WoW female design for years, and I think I'd pull her off well. Might be a duo with Courtney  from C. Leigh Creations as Ysera if I actually decide to do this. 

16. Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls - I have this really cute original design drawn up for a sexier genderbend version of my favorite evil triangle of all time! <3

17. Rikku from FFX - Something I've contemplated in my head for a while, but IDK if I'm passionate enough about to do? Kinda depends on if you guys wanna see it. I think her design is cute.

18. Princess Daisy - Even if I don't do her gown (WHICH I WANT TO. I wanna learn how to ballgown), I want to do some verison of her this year in a duo with Chey as Peach, even if it's just lingerie or swimsuit or some shit. xD

19. Shura from Ao No Exorcist - I get told to do her a lot, and I think she'll be a nice easy cosplay to slide between my super difficult ones this year! I loved her in the anime.

20. Nurse Sonico (White version) - Chey loves Sonico, and I love sexy nurse outfits, so we talked about doing a duo in matching outfits (she'd do the blue version). So this will probably happen at some point too!

LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK. I know I'm forgetting shit. I'm really excited for this year though and I hope you guys are too! c:



Matt Murphy

Definite yes on Widowmaker, Symmetra, Mileena, Morrigan, Felicia, Cammy and Shura!! &lt;3 May I suggest Revy from Black Lagoonn (even though I already did) because you'd rock it as her, especially with them jean shorts!


All of those ones are some of my favorites, so you'll probably end up seeing most of those! Revy is one of those ones I might end up doing last minute because I can't finish something else (Kinda like how in 2015 I did Poison last minute because I couldn't finish Esdeath in time for AX!)


So many awesome characters, but i can't wait to see Widowmaker &lt;3