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So two VERY IMPORTANT things/ changes:
Firstly and least important: vote on your fave of my lewdie Overwatch designs (you can vote on multiple). I don't usually do polls for my snail tier people (this is a fish tier bonus), but since this is a tier update this is important and EVERYONE needs to seeeeeee it and can therefore vote on this poll. :P
Secondly: I updated the tiers. As you already know, set rewards are on pause until October so I can get a backlog of photos shot so I can push out new content without a deadline stressing me out and essentially get caught up and ahead. The tiers are MOSTLY the same, but Manta Ray tier has added bonuses to incentivize it over the Shark Tier. Shark Tier will pretty much be getting the same content it was getting before (so if you are happy with that you can stay put or switch back once October comes if you dropped down during my absence), but Manta Ray will be getting bonuses. At LEAST one extra selfie/video lewd set per month, and ANYTHING else extra I decided to shoot that month (I will inevitably have extra content because I have a very hefty backlog of completed and almost completed cosplays I need to shoot. So I need to be able to post it somewhere for you guys, and Manta Ray Tier will be it since there wasn't very much to incentive my top donors before. c:  ) I also am thinking about adding a tier above manta ray tier for 2 11x14 print posters (domestic only) if anybody is interested in that. I know some of you guys like prints but quite frankly I hate doing them so I want to keep it limited to the people who REALLY want them monthly so I don't get burnt out on doing them again. Also just to reiterate, these bonuses do not go into affect until OCTOBER. Once October rolls around I will be ready to rock and roll again, I have about half the content for the next 3 months shot already.
Also, check out my last post if you haven't yet! Lots of progress!


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