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So I'm doing a reindeer group with friends (8 other girls a full group!) and I'm Rudolph. Since Rudolph was the reject I decided to go with a more alt/scene/emo look with nerd glasses. I need help deciding on a color scheme though?

So I personally like the one on the far right the most, as I like red/black/white color schemes. BUT I kind of think the lime green makes it seem more emo/scene and less goth, and also is a bit more xmasy. I'll also be doing a lewder version of this cosplay for December as well. :)

ALSO I'm shooting Hot Meg this week, and I've been working on both my sexy Sailor Jupiter and Monarch Butterfly cosplays. I have progress pics i've just been lazy about posting them but I'll post some either today or tomorrow. :)




I kind of prefer the middle one. It looks like it has a good combo of design elements from the other two.

Toporkov Anton

You had me at lewd Jupiter, tbh. She's always been my favorite. For Rudolph, i know you like using shiny fabrics so i think having both green and red is a better combination overall, with my vote for the middle design actually as it has a good balance of the colors

ZJ Baker

I think adding the green in is good. I think the body/corset piece on the left with the green is good, but don't go with green in the hair. Use the far right head piece and green contacts for green on the head. Middle style for arms and legs should balance nicely. Just my 2 cents, feel free to ignore ^_^


Originally, I was thinking the one in the middle. But now I'm leaning more towards the right one.