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Hey guys, here is the third vlog! It's been recorded for a few days, but I just haven't had the time to edit it, so I'm just posting it raw, I'll edit the next one I promise. <3 

I'll be posting a new photoset soon! Probably of Shego. Stuff that's happened since I've uploaded this: I might not be going to Anime Expo as originally planned. My share of the room is literally 280 dollars this year, and I just can't afford it on top of gas and the 100 dollar badge. I just moved and that was expensive, and the last two years I've went to AX my share of the room was only like 120, so I was not anticipating having to shell out 300 dollars to stay somewhere? I'll still be making the cosplays I originally planned and shooting them (Asuka, new Ragyo, etc), but it's likely I won't be attending AX, which sucks.  


Khainsaw Vlog June (Vlog 3)

Uploaded by Khainsaw on 2016-06-11.



Great one again. You have busy though. Hope you get settled in your new homestead quickly.

ZJ Baker

Sorry to hear about missing out on AX. Glad to see Shego wasn't the death of you though. Lesson learned, vinyl outfits for cold weather only?