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Ugh. So I told you guys I was having creative issues. But then I STARTED WORKING ON STUFF AGAIN AND STOPPED POSTING WHICH MAKES NO SENSE. I've made 3 new cosplays in the past month and I recently started shooting cosplays again, so I'll have lots of new content soon. I'll also post some of the progress from the above cosplays I finished too.
If you are missing any sets from the past months, message me and we'll work something out. Thanks for your patience if you stuck around. <3
Here's some preview shots from Nan Desu Kan! 




I'm so glad to see you back🙂, can't wait to see what you've been working on.


Looking forward to see what you have for us!


This is all looks amazing. The puffy gloves for Mario are a nice touch. 👍🏿👍🏿

Yuu Yi

Welcome back, thanks for the update and wishing you the best. Also just wanting to ask, was the Nikumi set ever finished or sent out on patreon?