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Hey guys, everything is going out tomorrow! I haven't had any time to send them out this week because getting ready to move was priority. now that I'm mostly packed up, I have the time. I think in the future, I'll send all of this stuff out around the 15th, as I tend to be super busy towards the beginning and end of every month because of cons, and anything real-life related. ALSO because I am moving somewhere much less stressful (I have a legitimately crazy roommate) I'll start posting even more content since I'll be able to work on cosplay without getting screeched at. xD Thank you guys for your patience! 

The winner of this month's raffle is ZJ! Which means you'll get a free print of my choice along with your thank you card this month! :) 


ZJ Baker

I won something?!?!? Woohoo! I actually have some potentially awesome news for you as well.