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The last of the May sets will be out soon, but for now take some casual pics of me. This shit is always requested for some reason but I don't shoot casual stuff very often. :)




😳 You look amazing. It's easy to get caught up in the cosplay and forget the person underneath but this is wonderful to see.

Toporkov Anton

Its a shame you dont cause you look great in casual as well. Id say you should do more if you can find the time to, only doing cosplay can get tedious after a while especially at the rate you make them at.

John King

The casual stuff is wonderful because you are just a very beautiful woman in your own right, and sometimes it's good to be able to just appreciate that fact without the distraction of the cosplay angle. In fact, my personal favorites are usually those that are closest to real life looks. You'd stop traffic in a burlap sack! :-)


yeah, i like casual stuff :) of course the cosplays, too :) filename matches image content (hotgirl) :D


I'm getting a "90's-themed raver" vibe from these (even though this isn't what ravers wore in the actual '90s) and it's pretty awesome!

ZJ Baker

My teenage daughter loves this outfit, and wants to know where she can get it. She loves the colors.


You get those requests because you look gorgeous both in and out of cosplay.