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  • Turtle Tier+: 20 high res photoshoot images and 34 selfies of me in Blossom cosplay!
  • Crab Tier+ : 17 high res photoshoot images and 15 selfies of me in Blossom lingerie!
  • Shark Tier+ Bonuses: 14 selfies of me in Blossom lingerie (pasties + thong edition) and a 4:03 long video of me in all 3 outfits!
  • Also you get the Bubbles sets for being pledged for March as well. :)

It's too late to pledge for these sets specifically unless you join April shark tier and redeem this as a bonus set. I am also posting them on www.onlyfans.com/khainsawcosplay this week, the default set is already available, and the lingerie sets will be available over there soon. Also will eventually upload to www.shoptly.com/khainsaw within the next few months, but FYI Patreon is always the best bang for your buck if you want my sets. :) Thanks for March support, will be posting what sets I'm shooting for April really soon! 



christoper urban

you're amazing in all your efforts and goals!!!! your sets are the heartbeat of life to us your endearing fans