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Hey guys. I know I haven't been responsive, I've been like super mentally weird. This year is really taking it's toll on me, I started therapy. I've been working on a few builds, but haven't posted about them, including an Among Us cosplay.
Here's the sets for this month though!
$5 tier: I'm going to send you guys the $10 set from October, Savage Land Rogue. If you were in that tier in october and are now in the 5 dollar tier, dm me and I can send you another $10 tier set from another month.
Turtle tier: Christmas Mei! 27 images! There will also be more pics added of duos/trios at an unspecified date, waiting to hear back from the photographer.
Crab tier: Beidou from  Genshin Impact! 22 images! There will also be more pics added of duos/trios later, but they aren't available yet because I didn't shoot them...

Sexy Crab tier: Rackaren, my Raccoon OC. 16 images!
There will be a very LEWD bonus set for shark tier+ (A WHOLE ALBUM based on Rackaren at a bathhouse), but it's going to be late. This is why I usually shoot my own stuff, apparently I should just go back to doing that so I can produce sets on time. Lesson of 2020: Don't rely on other people LMAO. Sorry guys. This is another reason I haven't been posting, because I've been waiting on content that hasn't came yet. I'll send out all of the extra pics as soon as they are in my hands.
I'm going to send out what I currently have for you guys, and then respond to all the messages you guys have sent me this past month. Thanks for the patience. 



Juan Carlos Nunez

2020 definitely did a number on everyone in its own way. I'm sorry you are going through it but glad that you are seeking help with it.

ZJ Baker

I hope for your good health, peace of mind, and positive juju in your path of life.