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I spent today painstakingly rearranging rewards, adding tiers, and adding rewards. I moved some stuff around. Here's the most notable changes:

  • I added "digital set" discounts. I'm going to be opening up a shoptly for my old sets soon, so that's what that's for.
  •  I decreased the print store discounts slightly because I think only 3 of you guys have used them anyways. ;) Also, i decreased prices in my print store a while ago, so I needed to adjust that anyways. 
  • I already had a $1 tier, but it had no perks, and now it does. First access to youtube videos, permanent discord access, small discounts, and a preview album with a select few HD photos to preview that months sets. 
  • $5 tier has major changes. All of my convention photos taken by other photographers, will be available as usual, as will the WIP feed. Since a few of you asked about my albums being HD, I will be doing 1 large HD album of my SFW "big build" for that month, in your inbox, not archived. I might do 2 depending on if I buy/am sponsored any SFW cosplays that month as well. I ADDED cosplay polls. I started letting you $5 peeps in on the polls very recently, but now it's official. Also, when I start doing cosplay patterns and templates, this will be the tier. No more prints! A few of you said they'd still pledge $10 for prints which leads me to...
  • The introduction of a $10 tier, and I'm trying to abolish the $15 tier. The $10 tier obviously has what the $5 has, plus an HD album of a "sexier" less SFW cosplay that month. An example of what the sexy cosplays are is something like Mileena, Vampirella,  Kotobukiya Freddy Kreuger.  This tier has the 2 4x6 prints that the $15 has, as a compromise for getting rid of prints in the $5 tier. It's essentially the same price since you get 2x the prints. :P 
  • The $15 tier is pretty much unchanged. The only thing it has the $10 tier doesn't is the small low-res boudoir preview album.
  • BIG changes for the $25 tier, this was the trickiest one. There are now TWO 25 dollar tiers. You are all automatically in sexy crab. This tier has everything it used to, except no prints, and the addition of an EXTRA boudoir set, meaning you will get all the sets above, plus TWO boudoir sets every month. If you would like physical rewards still, you can re-pledge to Physical crab, which is essentially the same exact deal you had before. I automatically put you all in sexy crab since extra boudoir won the poll by like 85+ percent. If you want both the extra set, and all da prints +more, I revamped the next tier as well.
  • The $50 tier has a bunch of changes. Officially I was offering you guys 3 8x10s but had been sending y'all 2 11x14s for the past 6 months or so. It is now OFFICIALLY 1 11x14 + the 2 8x10s from the physical crab tier. I have also been recording a bunch of cute videos of me in cosplay for the past few months, but I had no idea what tier to put them in, but I have decided to put them in this tier. Also, this tier will get a monthly fansign as well. 
  • $80 tier is essentially the same, except instead of 3 11x14s it's now 2 11x14s and 2 8x10s. One of the 11x14s is custom, you can choose which cosplay/picture you get as a poster.

    Other important stuffs:
    I'm trying to convert to a system where all of my albums are shot and edited BEFORE the month I am offering them (like next year, I'll shoot all of my halloween stuff in september so it's ready October 1st.) . As it stands you guys have no idea what sets you are getting every month since I upload as I shoot. I want to be able to present to you guys a nice cohesive list of what I am offering so y'all aren't in the dark. So next month, november, I will be shooting a MASSIVE amount of cosplays, and I won't be working on new stuff quite as much. I will be shooting some new cosplays I have been sponsored/bought so there will be new content, just not as much NEW stuff I've made, but I REALLY need to do this, it's a very serious priority for me.
    Also, it's been bothering me that when I mail out physical rewards every 2 months, It's every odd month. I'm purposely waiting until the end of october to mail stuff out (so you'll be getting 3 months of physical rewards at once instead of 2, and 5 if you are international instead of 4) So I can be on like a Jan+feb, march+april, etc schedule. Works much easier for my weird brain.  Also, everyone pledged to either 25 tier in October will be getting prints, since I can't shoot extra boudoir this month. I should be able to show you guys what content you are getting every month starting december, latest january.

    Thanks if you read this whole thing I guess!?!?!?! Thanks for your support guys, and I hope the changes aren't too upsetting. I tried to make them fair for both of us. 




More Khainsaw for the same price? No, I'm furious. This is my furious font.


Nice I like the deal)))) looking forward to it)