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I bought a new Mordred cosplay off of a friend! Needs a few minor repairs but it's so cute!

Okay so today at the Post Office with my crab+tier patron packages...
So I bring my stuff up to the counter. They usually ship my crab tier envelopes as first class envelopes. The lady puts the first package on the scale and it's 3.79 when it's usually only 1.45 for me to mail the 8x10 envelopes. I say "wow, prices sure went up!" and she's like "oh, i'm charging you for first class PACKAGE pricing because these envelopes aren't flexible." And I was like "oh well nobody here ever charges me that way. They told me the only reason they have to bend is to go through the sorting machine, but since these are large envelopes, they don't go through the machine, they go into a stack that gets scanned, and in this case them being inflexible is irrelevant." And she's like "no. They go through the machine. they have to be flexible, they won't get to the recipients." and I'm like "They always get to the recipients. I've been sending them this way for MONTHS. YOU have even let me ship them this way before!"
Then the old dude in line next to me being helped by someone else literally scolds me "BE NICE TO THE LADY! She's so sweet and nice!" And I was like "What? She's literally trying to charge me over twice what I normally pay. I've been paying 1.45 for each 8x10 package for MONTHS now.  I just want another person to help me" Then he shakes his head at me, and goes "well MY package is worth $5000 so I have a right to sit here and be mad at the PO!" And i gave him a very sarcastic thumbs up hoping he'd leave me TF alone.
THE PO lady is like "nobody else is gonna do that for you, it's the rule" and I was like "yeah, whatever. just remove the labeling." So she starts peeling off the labeling, and the dude next to me starts LURCHING at my packages to look at the return address (which it doesn't matter cause it's just Kama Bree with my PO Box on it) asking "WHAT DO YOU DO ANYWAYS. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO MAIL." and I'm like "none of your business" and he acts SO taken aback, and so does the lady working. Like wtf? Why does this guy think he has any right to know my personal information ESPECIALLY after scolding me for being defensive she was trying to rip me off?
So I got in line again, and the dude who usually helps me was pretty reluctant to take me, but he told me it's because that lady who was being difficult  is gonna tell her boss on him, cause she's a snitch. He does my packages at the normal pricing anyways but he doesn't put his stamp on it, because he's worried about the lady snitching on him and being liable for the packages being "posted wrong". I guess the stamp makes it more likely that the packages might get returned to sender for more postage. Versus when the stamp is there they kinda don't second guess. So crab tier people, please let me know as soon as you get your packages if you remember! Just so I know they got to you. I'm just worried that lady like told her supervisor and they rounded up my packages or some shit. Idk what was up her ass, or the creep who couldn't mind his own business.

If that's the rule, that's the rule, but literally everyone else who works there, and even herself has charged me for envelope pricing. I didn't budget to pay almost 100 dollars more in postage because this lady was in a mood. 




WTF is wrong with people???


Ah, bureaucracy.

Yuu Yi

That sucks so much, that's so creepy of the guy trying to look at your address. Here's hoping the rest of your week goes better.

ZJ Baker

Is there another post office you can go to? Next zip code over?


That's messed up


hey Khainsaw So that was really a blatant story you have experienced. I have received my envelope from you and your pictures are already framed. Then to the service of your post that is not really. I would complain to the management if you were there and give me the situation again. I think neither in the US nor in Germany are allowed to deal with customers and just claim they have to calculate it now so and not as before. is really a mess. Greetings from Germany and head up will be back.


And they wonder why no one uses the post office anymore...


Sorry they treated you that way and definitely in the case of old dude he should have minded his own business. I got my envelope today (folded 3 ways) and it had a nice little orange sticker on it that said basically "Sorry we destroyed your package, we're really sorry, btw did we say we're sorry... oh yeah and tough rocks if it's messed up."


One of the large ones has a little damage at the corners, but i can get creative with framing it. And if im patient i can flatten the bends out. The signatures and main image (important parts) are fine :)