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Today was a S H I T S H O W. Okay so I got all into my Do-S cosplay to shoot my backdrop/print photos for her. Which you know... takes a substantial amount of time.  Getting everything set up took forever. I couldn't find half the shit I needed.  Take my polaroids. Once I finally am ready, I take a test shot and my fucking camera dies because I forgot to charge it. I proceed to have a 2 hour mental breakdown because the Nikon battery takes like 6-8 hours to fully charge. Then I sleep for the rest of the day since I can't shoot the cosplay even though I spent maximum effort getting into it. FML lol.
So alas, the only shot from my fucking Do-S "shoot" today. I'll try to shoot her again tomorrow if I feel like putting all that makeup and the outfit back on.

I think I'm just like... stressed? I have a lot to do this month, and I know I can finish it but my brain is super disorganized. I was so good the past few months at keeping a calendar/my shit together. I can't wait for this month/Saboten to be over. I also can't stand wasted time sooooo probably why I freaked tf out. Lol. Onward, I suppose. 



Juan Carlos Nunez

We can plan and plan and plan, but sometimes shit happens. It's pretty cliche to say "don't worry about it, take your time." But you've done well about staying on top of things that temporary set backs are not a big deal. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN 😈🙃😝


Sorry to hear this. Sending positive vibes and hope it's all better soon!


We all have our off days. Get some rest, so you can tackle it again with a clear head.

Yuu Yi

I hope everything goes your way tomorrow, and I hope you get to rest and relax.

Matt Miyamoto

Sending you love from Hawaii :-)

ZJ Baker

Maybe you need to take a mini vacation? Just step away from everything for a few days(3-5), and give your brain a chance to rest? No cosplay, no social media, and more importantly, no stress and no burnout.


That's what I did when I was in Albuquerque, but apparently it only made things worse since I have a con coming up.


Deep breaths! Good things take time great things happen all at once :) make sure you get a little 'you' time. What helps you relax?