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Good news, my lingerie finally came in! Bad news, even though both bottoms were size LARGE they were TOO SMALL. The elastic smashed my hip fat in very unflattering ways.... like it was actually kind of funny. I added new elastic to the white set already, which is why I don't look deformed in this pic. The black set is going to be a bit more complicated to fix, but it's still doable.... I'll be shooting both sets probably next weekish???

As far as cosprogress goes, This past week I've been... inoperable? I had unbearable tooth pain for like 3 days (literally wanted to jump off my balcony) before I went to the dentist (which I didn't want to do since I'm uninsured, but it was either that or kill myself) where I was crying the whole time they were looking at my teeth, the next day I had  a root canal, and the next day I had all four of my wisdom teeth yanked while awake. (at least I got to keep the teeth). So needless to say I'm still recovering, I lost a lot of weight this past week since I could hardly eat, which is probably visible in this here photo. Now I owe $3700 in uninsured emergency dental work. 8) FML 




Damn having all 4 wisdom teeth removed is a death sentence 😱 which we all know you will survive. But that was a creative fix for the white set can't wait to see how both set come out 😊 wish you a speedy recovery ❤


Well hope you feel better 👍


No wisdom teeth and still you look sublime. Bummer about the bill though. Feel better!


1 you look beautiful, 2 I hope you feel better soon from the root canal and wisdom teeth.