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Yayyyy it's doooone! Except the chainsaw, which I'm having commissioned, and then I'm painting, and it's supposed to be done really soon so hopefully I'll have pics of that soon. I'll try this on for you guys tomorrow after work, but I need to be up soon so I need to go to sleep soon @_@

If you guys didn't notice, I'm dealing with a lot of drama right now, with the shady dude who used to photograph me a lot. (ModelMosa) The TLDR is that he's mad I never reciprocated his romantic feelings for me, and now he's lashing out by harassing me and threatening to sue me for "ruining his business". If you wanna know more about that drama head over to my FB, there's a couple posts about it.  xD




Everything looks great, you are going to be amazing. Read your FB post, it is not right what he is doing too you. Good luck with everything, it is a shame people we thought of as friends turn out to be an enemy instead. The one positive is that you know who your real friends are now.


This looks really cool. I hope you have heard the last from that creep.