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Comic wip-  Still working on that

Grace input? I asked in the other thread but got no comments.   I have a rough for something simple and that probably involves Serena(so yeah incest) but I'm down to hear other scene suggestions for her image and see what can be done.

AFILAA Winner was  Axel The Waddler and they picked Makoto Nanaya from Blazblue.  So be on the look out for that.

Oh and here is all of the Analgeddon pics in one link:


I've had requests to compile em  so I went ahead and did that.

And as always other comments and feedback are welcome.



I'd rather see what your idea for Grace would be since you said once she was one of your favorite pokemoms.


Grace and Serena sound great too me.


I didn't mean new characters


Thanks, this is very helpful and for the PSD files ?