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ATTENTION! If you were a previous supporter of my Patreon I’d like to inform you of the pledge tier changes. When I redid the tiers for Analgeddon everyone was bumped down to the lowest tier but still has their original pledge amount. I need to you go in make sure you still want to pledge that amount and make sure you are on your proper tier. I do not want anyone paying for something unintentionally and I’d like for you to double check it before the month is out and you are charged for it.


AJ Ferolie

EVen though the highest tier is 15, I'm still gonna oss you 25, because your art is that awesome.


I think you should be giving a little more vote (like +2 or 3 or something) to the people who pay more. They are putting in more to keep the booty train chugging and an extra vote or two night give them more incentive and probably won't make a big difference in the polls. Personally I will be giving the same amount I was before and if it seems content is coming out at a decent pace I will definitely put that patronage on steroids. I can't wait to see how this goes!!!


Yeah went ahead and increased them to 1,4,8.16