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As well as this months NSFW tier exclusive voting, I'm also opening up a suggestion box! If you have something you'd like me to draw, a ship you'd like to see, or even just a character I haven't drawn for a while that you miss, let me know here!

SFW and NSFW suggestions are both fine, but please try to keep your requests simple and uhhh non-explicit lmao lmao. Fanart is also preferred!

These are personal picks and not based on voting, so here's your chance to snag a request from me <3

Big Fat Ugly Disclaimer:

Please keep in mind that this is a suggestion box, that not all suggestions will be drawn, and that many may end up just being sketches or roughs!

These will be completed alongside my current commission list and the NSFW vote winner, so I may only be able to get to a few!



What about something of Genshin Impact? I liked a lot your Venti and Diluc, would love to see more characters

Tom’s Husband Rift

Wouldn’t mind seeing another Claude x Sylvain work. Doesn’t have to be NSFW, but your choice 😊