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i've been slowly working on character sheets for my dimidue fan kids recently!! it's taking way longer than i anticipated so here's a WIP of what i have so faaarrr~~

here are the kids as adults! mateo (left) and nico (right). hopefully it's pretty clear as to who their fathers are :'D

i'm also planning on drawing them up as teens and children as well, so it's gonna take a while before their character sheets are totally done. it's been a fun mini project so far though!



Oliver Fosten

UGH I love these kids. You really combined Dedue and Dimitri's traits so well while also letting the OC's personalities shine through. It would be awesome if you made a character details sheet that has their likes, dislikes, abilities, etc like in the game!


thank you!! and that's such a good idea, that sounds like so much fun! i've been wanting to doodle a little comic series of them with their dads as well, so something like that would be useful!