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this is a tentative celebration, but I wanted to quickly thank everyone for sticking with me over here! thanks to you guys we've reached the first of two goals on patreon! it's something i was unsure of even setting up when i first made this page, and i'm so so grateful that you guys have chosen to hang around here - both to patrons new and old!

as some of you may know, i've been living in pretty squalor conditions for a few years now mainly due to low pay in my day job. unfortunately there haven't been a whole lot of options for me to improve this, but now i feel i can at least start ramping up to making some positive life changes which will naturally effect things over here too!  

ANYWAY i just wanted to say a big thank you, and to express my appreciation for everyone here who've chosen to support me. i'm sure you can imagine how much something like this can help someone!

love you guys! and please look forward to more arts coming your way soon <333

edit: also as of this post we're at 69 patrons. nice.



You do such great work! You deserve all the support!


Open a merch shop, rue! You'll be rich!


wahhh it's definitely an idea! i think it'd be difficult at the moment with postal restrictions (especially since i'm not in the US) but i'd like to at least give it a try next year!