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Hi all! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!

I'm super excited to announce that we're half way through our first goal!! This means a huge amount to me and I'm SUPER happy to see this page do so well! Thank you as always for everyone's support and cheer! Please look forward to more art coming your way sooooon!

In regards to next month, I'd like to introduce a little extra something to our $5 tier: a Suggestion Box! This will basically just be a post for folks to pop in their suggestions of what they'd like to see, be it a ship you really like, a character you love, maybe even a quick scenario or idea, SFW or NSFW, it's all game. Whenever I find myself a bit stumped on what to draw next, I'll be able to hop in there and pick out whatever suits my fancy. Of course this would just be suggestions, and so there's no guarantees, but for me it'll be great to see where you guys are at and what y'all are interested in!

Thanks all, and keep on trucking ❤️



Thank you Rue! Can't wait to toss some ideas at you