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Part 3

The ball of light at the back of the gymnasium fizzled and faded once again over the teleporter pad, unveiling Ema and Yasmin for the third time. The two women continued to heave and pant, following their intense competition moments prior, finally releasing their grasps on one another and separating their mouths.

Now, on their back laid the two women, their cheeks pressed tightly against one another as the bases of their necks now flowed seamlessly into the same set of shoulders. Two heads, now situated upon a single, wholly shared body. Ema’s pale complexion now melted and flowed in a perfect gradient into the ebony skin of her new body partner from their necks to their shared vagina, providing a distinctive line of separation that now reflected their ownership and control over the respective halves of their bodily union.

Their shared chest rose and fell rapidly with their heavy breathing (exasperated by their now single pair of lungs bearing the stress of two heads’ breathing), causing their breasts to seemingly grow and shrink with every breath. Their breasts, which mere seconds ago were furiously pressed together in a lustfully competitive rage, were now merged, combining the already immense mass of each woman’s tits into a single, and equal shared bustline. Impossibly shapely despite their incredible size and soft, malleable nature, their titanic tits sat elegantly atop the women’s chest, putting on gorgeous display their heterochromatic areolas, brown and pink skin perfectly wrapping their respective nipples, still hard from their embrace. Their legs displayed similar change, with Ema’s previously smaller thigh, hip, and ass now grown, brought up to the level of Yasmin’s curves as well as visibly tightening their skin, erasing all stretch marks and cellulite, presenting a solely improved lower body. Slowly regaining her breath and strength, Ema was too afraid to lift her head to see what new predicament the transporter had placed her and Yasmin into, instead calling out to the senior operating the machine on the stage.

“Hey, science kid, what you done to us this time?” Ema spat out between deep breaths.

“His name’s Isaiah, and don’t fuckin’ blame him for this, he’s only been trying to help.”

Yasmin retorted, the sound of her voice coming from Ema’s immediate left, sparking confusion and shock in the Romanian as she finally forced her eyelids open and turned to the source of the sound. Ema cursed in her native tongue at the immediate collision of their soft cheek flesh against one another she felt after turning, uncovering their newest form.

“You joking, for fuck’s sake we still like this, but even worse” The mother hissed in a defeated tone, attempting to kip herself up, only to discover their predicament of shared control. Not yet adjusted to their split body arrangement, Ema desperately attempted to move the limbs on the left side of the body now occupied by the ebony American, but to no avail, stuck in a position fractionally off the ground due to her uncooperative partner.

“What is that I keep feeling? It’s like a ghost trying to push my left arm up, are you doing that? Yasmin questioned, now fully analyzing the two’s shared single body.

“I – ungh am trying to sit up, but you won't move” Ema squeezed out through labored efforts

“Hmm, seems you’re only in control of your side, and me mine, but I can still feel you trying to move my parts.” Yasmin returned, the ever-inquisitive scientist in her rearing its head, despite their concerning scenario.

“Let me see what happens if I don’t resist it, keep trying.”

Surely enough, Yasmin entirely relaxed herself, and once again felt the urge, like the compulsion of an intrusive thought, to bend her elbow and lift her arm, along with engaging her core and glutes, allowing the urge to pass through without resistance causing an involuntary jerk in her side of the body, in perfect unison with that of Ema, causing the pair to perform a sit up, now able to observe the entire hall.

“Holy shit, I can move you?” Ema burst out, in a complete tonal shift of shock

“It would seem so, but only if I consciously let you try to lift this arm, Yasmin gestured with a twiddle of the fingers on her hand before placing it back down by their side. Once again she felt the unconscious urge to lift the arm, a sensation that reminded her of a low-voltage electrical patch causing very weak muscle contractions from her college robotics class antics. This time, she actively resisted the urge, blocking it out and focusing on keeping the arm by her side, until the sensation gradually fizzled out and faded entirely.

“Fascinating… let me try.” Yasmin then tried to raise the body’s right arm as normal, only seeing no movement corresponding to her commands.

“Eugh, that feeling, stop it. It is like a demon-possessed me and is trying to use my body.”

“It's okay, just try to relax and let it happen, don’t try to move the arm at all” Yasmin reassured

Surely enough, after a few seconds, Yasmin was able to execute a basic movement on the other half of their body, raising Ema’s pale arm a few inches above parallel.

“Incredible…” Yasmin trailed off softly, eyes fixated on the raised hand across from her, twiddling its fingers and clenching into a fist before releasing.

“Enough! It feels disgusting, stop trying to control my side, see how you like it”

Ema focused deeply, forcing a command to raise Yasmin’s arm up to her face and push against it. The phantom signal struggled through Yasmin’s dominant half of their now shared nervous systems, desperately battling to force a movement against the will of its owner. Such a signal could not outright control Yasmin’s side of the body, but regardless provided an unignorable urging in the teacher that caused significant discomfort. Resist the command demanded active effort and concentration, overpowering the neural signals of the woman now sharing her body with her own dominant commands to keep her arm down.

“Unghh, will you stop it?! Calm down god damn it, it was just an experiment.” Yasmin grunted, now unable to fully turn her neck and speak to her rival, only able to make out the side of the Romanian’s eye in her peripheral vision.

“No! You got us stuck like this by helping that kid build his stupid machine, now fix this and get out of my body you fat whore” Ema snarled back, now employing her own arm to shove back against Yasmin’s face while pulling her own neck in the opposite direction. Yasmin’s competitive instinct, briefly numbed by her sheer scientific curiosity at the machinations of their now shared body was reignited, grabbing the wrist of the hand pressed against her face and pressing it back with all her strength, whilst simultaneously attempting to prompt Ema’s side of the body to move the hand away. Both women were now locked in an exceedingly close and intimate struggle, trapped within the same flesh, two people sharing control of a single body, both pushing against one another, urging and resisting the other’s effort to assert control of their respective half. Yasmin seemingly possessed a greater degree of mastery over the phantom signals, more strongly influencing the neural signals of the busty Romanian and forcing the paler half of their shared body to move against her will. In contrast, Ema exerted greater raw strength, pressing harder and more forcefully against Yasmin’s face, but growing more disgusted and uncomfortable the longer her own limbs tried to move against her direct will. The stalemate dragged on for several moments, each woman grunting and cursing the other through labored breaths to their common respiratory organs, only to be interrupted by the call of a familiar voice that broke their struggle.

“Ladies, please calm down, stop!!” Isaiah called out, hustling down the stairs of the stage and jogging across the gymnasium floor in an unathletic stride. “I got you guys these”, extending out his arms with his head turned away to not rudely stare at the women’s stark combined bodies, and presenting an oversized off-white T-shirt with a stretched neckline as well as a gargantuan pair of gym shorts.

“I found these in lost and found, the fat kid got beat up in these in P.E, hence the stretched bits but hopefully that makes them fit a bit better.”

“Thanks, Issy, but uh, I don’t think we can put these on ourselves with our current… coordination issues” Yasmin sighed

“Oh Christ, how old are you kid” Ema bluntly asked

“Well I’m a senior, but I had to repeat kindergarten twice, something about not getting along with the other kids, and not to mention my-“

“Whatever, he old enough, come put this on us” Ema interjected. After several minutes of awkward shuffling and tugging, all whilst trying to avoid staring at his teacher and friends’ mother’s fused curvy body, the ladies were finally fully clothed, covering their supple body which had fuelled so much of their rivalry.

“While we’re at it, let me help you guys up,” Isaiah said, extending both his arms for each woman to grab onto. Both Yasmin and Ema were forced to coordinate their efforts, both engaging their core, pulling with their arms and pressing up with their respective legs, with the help of every last ounce of strength in Isaiah’s frail physique to finally raise the pair to their feet which they struggled to maintain.

“You want me to focus on the standing? Since you seem to get off on me controlling your side so much” Ema offered snarkily

“I don’t- what are you- fine, take over” Yasmin conceded, relinquishing her share of control over their body to the mother for the sake of stability. After taking quick advantage of her total control over the body to sneakily squeeze and grope their newly combined rear with Yasmin’s arm, Ema was met with a brief flash of dominance assertion as Yasmin quickly seized control to snap the arm back away, before relaxing it once against for Ema to move. The pair now stood as normal, with the Romanian in total command, their balance and posture improved, once again at eye level with the inventor. Yasmin started.

“Issy, is there absolutely anything else you can do to separate us, cause it seems like if we keep doing whatever we’ve been doing, she and I could end up sharing a head and brain, or just totally fusing, which I think you can understand we don’t want.”

“Well…” Isaiah trailed in thought, searching for an answer that would deliver some form of hope, but dug up nothing. “Really all that we have left is one last try with the teleporter, but I’ve kind of already tried adjusting everything there is to adjust. It would be a total gamble, so I uh, I guess that’s up to you guys” he returned

The women twisted their necks towards each other, quickly colliding their cheeks and a small corner of their lips, a reminder of their current situation and its far too intimate closeness, but also a reminder of how such meddling had only worsened their situation.

Ema broke the silence, “We have to think about it no? I mean, how can we live this way forever?”

“As much as I agree, what if this is the best we are gonna get at this point? What if fucking with the teleporter just makes us even worse, or kills us?” Yasmin spurted, prompting yet another painfully long stretch of silence.

“ “

“ “

The women turned again towards each other and exchanged identical looks of solemn acceptance.

“Turn the machine off Issy… and call us an ambulance will you?”

Isaiah nodded, switching his gaze between the two, before turning and scaling the stairs.

Ema felt the tugging urge in her half of the body to bend her leg and place her hand on the floor behind them, allowing the signal through the women in synchronization from Yasmin’s control sat back down on the waxed floor of the gymnasium, legs extended in front of them and leaning back on straight arms before Ema let out an exasperated sigh, closed her eyes and looked up to the ceiling as the sound of sirens slowly filled the hall.

Months passed as Ema and Yasmin became acquainted with the conjoined lifestyle, leaving behind their old routines and rituals as they were forced to come to terms with sharing a single body between the two of them. Surrendering control over half of their limbs to another woman and sharing every experience and sensation together. Personal relationships quickly broke down, with each of their partners leaving due to their new arrangement. Ema’s husband divorced her, afraid to raise a child with a mother sharing her body and the estrangement that would come with it, whereas Yasmin’s longtime boyfriend was disgusted by the “mutant” and “freakish” accident. The women were left almost entirely isolated, from each other, estranged by lovers and family, left only with occasional visits from Ema’s son, Sam, as his old robotics teacher became a defacto Auntie to him. The extended isolation caused tension in the two-headed body as the two women would bicker and argue frequently, both stressed and frustrated by their collapsing social lives, often devolving into the kinds of fighting and wrestling seen within the fateful gymnasium, taking their anger out in sexual competition. In an aggressive and neurotic, yet sensually intimate form, Ema and Yasmin’s sex fights brought them closer to one another, every titfight to decide which of their now equally sized busts were superior, every kissing battle with necks craned towards each other atop the same pair of shoulders, made the women more familiar and comfortable in their combined flesh. Eventually, the pair uncovered their mutually repressed bisexuality, as their aggressive competition quickly grew more loving and sensual, aimed not at proving superiority, but at mutual pleasure and relaxation. The two women aided each other along the way, teaching one another how to please them best, where to touch, and how to maximize one another’s pleasure, eventually becoming instinct during these embraces. It was this process that prompted Yasmin, ever-resourceful and prospecting, to raise a way for the pair to combine their skills, and capitalize on the improved curves of their combined body, giving rise to the Conjoined Club of Cunnilingus, a private teaching institute in which Yasmin’s teaching skills and Ema’s blunt, to-the-point demeanor were combined to provide a place for both men and women to enter, and learn how to better please the female body.



Ema and Yasmin strutted to the front of the classroom, a dozen of their students, aged from their early 20s up to their late 40s were seated, engaged in a communal chatter that was quickly silenced by the clacking of the conjoined women’s heels.

“Right class, we’ve got a wager, and you’re all involved” Yasmin started

“Miss Yasmin thinks that she knows the fastest way to make us cum which is apparently with the tongue swirling AROUND the clit, but I know for fact that guys have made us finish in under a minute by sucking on it with the tongue pressed against.”

“So…one of you lucky people gets to test this out” Yasmin interjected again, before pulling up a wheel spinner on the projector, labeled with each of the students’ names, and spinning it.

“We will try each method, 10 minutes apart to keep it fair, and whichever can make us finish faster will prove which of us is right.”

Eager murmurs broke out around the class, since the beginning of the course, the students had only ever practiced on toys, models and their partners with the thought of Ema and Yasmin not even being considered. From the establishment of the triple-C, students had been hesitant and taken aback by the women’s conjoined body, but after many long explanations and weeks of growing familiarity, it was no longer a factor they really considered daily. The pair were simply Ema and Yasmin, separate people but always together with only the odd disputes between the two on movement or lesson plans, which would on rare occasions result in an argument and them leaving the room for a moment. But now, one of the students was about to become far more intimate with the merged women. Yasmin reached down to her laptop on the desk, clicking the trackpad and spinning the wheel of names, which after a few seconds began to slow gradually, before landing on the name ‘Alina’. A girl in the second row perked her head up in surprise, her blonde hair tied up in a messy high ponytail.

“Me, you are sure?” she asked through a rich Swedish accent, her almond eyes widening as she raised her eyebrows

“Yes of course, lucky Ali, come up here” Ema spoke in a sultry voice, not trying to hide her excitement at another European girl getting selected,

“Alright, we have our contestant, just give us one moment” Yasmin continued, taking control of both her own and Ema’s hands to reach down to the laptop, open a spreadsheet, and input the two techniques with a ‘time’ column next to them to record results.

“And with that, we should be ready, let's begin.” Yasmin could hardly finish her sentence before Ema this time sent a strong phantom signal that urged Yasmin’s arm and hand to move to the buttons of their blouse and begin to undo them. Initially hesitant and resisting the action out of confusion about its necessity, Yasmin resisted the command, but after an insistent encouragement from the woman she shared her shoulders with, she reluctantly accepted the command, and the pair’s shirt fell to the floor as they stood in front of the whiteboard in only a bra and their jeans, which too were quickly undone and discarded. After moving to the front of the desk and sitting atop it, Ema pushed their underwear to the side and pulled each of their breasts out of the brassiere, leaving them all but naked to the entire class. No one in the room averted their gaze, fully encapsulated by the absurd curves of their shared body. Since their merging, their breasts, thighs, and rear had only continued to grow as they now were eating for two, resulting in a bustline over 1.5x that of Ema’s original, already enormous rack, and the same could be said for Yasmin’s legs, now impossibly thick and pillowy, displaced outwards by the edge of the desk they were seated upon, creating the impression of even more volume. The pair’s two-toned body was also on full display, each breast sat atop and pressed upwards by the cups of their bra beneath them, one a rich brown with a large areola and dark nipple, and the other a milky, pale white with a now extremely hard, pink nipple sticking outward. The men of the class adjusted their seating positions as Ema instructed Alina.

“Come right up here, on your knees” she ordered softly, pointing towards the patch of carpet between their legs. Alina followed, pushing stray hairs back behind her ears and kneeling in front of the pair, their contrasting colored thighs towering over her petite frame as if to swallow her whole. A rush of urging flowed into Yasmin’s leg, as Ema’s slowly moved open, which she this time accepted immediately, placing themselves on full display to the Swede.

Yasmin raised a stopwatch in her hand

“Three… two… one… begin” she ordered, as Alina’s tongue shot out of her mouth, and both Ema and Yasmin’s heads were thrown back to face the ceiling.

The class watched on in intrigue and arousal, eyes wide and mouths agape as the theory they had learned for weeks was put into practice, on full display on the curviest body any of them had seen. It was a joyous sight, for all but one. Alina’s boyfriend, Marco, whom she had brought to the classes each week to improve his skills, shot a look of jealous anger across the room, eyebrows furrowed and gaze unbroken at the lecherous act his partner was performing. Furious that she hadn’t so much as given him a glance before stepping up to the desk. The shortest 30 minutes to the rest of the class, but the longest ever for Marco passed before Alina stood up and returned to her desk and the conjoined pair returned to their chair, now entirely naked.

“Well then, that’s our winner folks, hope you all can learn something and go give it a try yourselves, so uhm, for now, I suppose class dismissed!” Yasmin declared, prompting an outburst of excited chatter amongst the class as they all rose and shuffled out of the class, stealing final glances at the ladies’ fused body on the way out. Except for, yet again, Marco, who only had eyes for the door and marched out, Alina pleading for him to look at her and trying to hold him back by his arm.

“Marco” Yasmin called out from her desk

“Could you stay back a moment?” she asked softly before turning to Alina

“Ali darling, amazing job today, thank you for your help, but could we have the room please”

Alina smiled softly and left the classroom, quietly closing the door behind her.

“Look, I’m sorry about how that went down, we should have consulted you first, that’s my fault, Ema just got a bit ahead of herself I suppose and I was too in my own world about the experiment. But I don’t want us to be on bad terms.”

“So how about we make it up to you?” Ema interjected

“Make it even, you could say” Yasmin continued, before both women, independently of each other but simultaneously, reached upwards, and softly began groping their breasts.

Marco stood in place, his harsh and angered demeanor visibly fading as the seductive movements of the pair hypnotized him before he was suddenly pulled down, towards the women, landing atop their soft body, and into a deep kiss with Yasmin, as Ema used her arm to reach to his belt, removing it in a swift motion.

Yasmin broke the kiss, leaning in to whisper into his ear, placing his head in the gap between the women’s, resting on the vacant shoulder space.

“Let's take this to our office in the back” Yasmin suggested, as the three people and two bodies rose and eagerly scurried to the back of the classroom, Marco holding Yasmin’s hand while his lips locked with Ema’s before the door slammed closed, and the muffled, yet unmistakeable sounds echoed out of the building.



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