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Written by LucLucilleCJ, Based on the Photo Edit series by Swago3789

The sound of floorboards squeaking and creaking filled the hall as hundreds of feet danced across the Clearview Height High School gymnasium floor. Cheap science experiments propped on fold-up tables stood in columns from each baseline of the gym, baking soda volcanoes, loaves of molding bread, and pot plants set up next to speakers blasting different genres of music filled the space, but the parents, students, and teachers present were only concerned with one project in particular. A transporter device, cooked up from the mind of the boy genius of the school, Isaiah, an otherwise quiet and unassuming kid but a marvel of engineering and physics, showing off his creation to the crowds of eager eyes that hoarded to see him.

But it wasn’t only the invention of the future novel prize winner that was on everyone’s minds, Ema Robie, a strong-willed and resilient woman, toughened by the arduous life of her hometown village of Rasnov strutted confidently into the gymnasium with her son, Sam following closely behind. After emigrating from Romania, Ema was determined to provide the best life possible in the States for her child and would resist head-on anyone who stood in the way of that.

“Mom, will you slow down? I’m basically jogging here” Sam pleaded

“No, I need to speak with that bitch teacher of yours immediately where is she?” Ema snarled through her rich Balkan accent.

“Please don’t do this, it was just a C, I’ll still graduate anyway and I’m not even studying in a science field”

“No, wait in car if you don’t want to be here, I’m talking to her no matter what, there’s that bitch” Ema asserted, maintaining her laser focus gaze on Sam’s robotics teacher, Ms. Yasmin Williams, her impossibly perky and enormous K cup breasts bouncing lightly under her tight fit top as she strutted intently.

Ema charged through the crowd of students and parents, as all she passed couldn’t help but look twice at her incredible bust which seemed to clear a significant path in front of her, leading directly towards the unfortunate Ms Williams. Yasmin was herself an extremely curvy woman, her mocha skin wrapping around a fully figured, chubby frame of wide hips and an ass that would ripple and shake with every movement. Her chest boasted a respectable rack but was cursed to sag and droop into a teardrop shape from their size, resulting in them often being covered and squeezed up into push-up bras.

Yasmin was hunched over the table of a student, helping reorganize and repair the scattered mess of cables and wires the failed vegetable experiment had created, her colossal derriere arched and presented towards the center of the hall, towards which Ema was rapidly approaching.

“That stupid bitch, give my son C for project I help write, I’ll show her a fucking C”

Ema’s train of thought rambled incomprehensibly, scrambling to come up with an opening line for when she confronted her new nemesis.

“Ms. Williams, who do you think you are, some kind of robotics exper- no, wait, she teaches this, uhm, Hey bitch, what is your problem with my son eh? What, because he son of immi-“

Ema paused as she drew close enough to gain true scale of Yasmin’s ass, and was taken aback. Its shapely curve, soft, and free-flowing yet defined form stunned the busty Romanian. Ema herself had no flat rear, but it paled in comparison to the curves aptly presented to her in the moment. A wave of envy flowed over her, after all, who is that bitch to think just because her ass is bigger than everyone else she can just walk around and be the judge of who is and isn’t good enough for her robotics program? Ema quickly began to imagine catfighting the woman, how she would use her own assets to overpower her rival, in a bid to convince and reassure herself of her superiority. Ema knew from photos in yearbooks and the school’s Facebook page that she certainly had the far superior bust, it was larger, fuller, and better shaped and Ema assured herself that her nipples were guaranteed to be more beautiful, that she had the nicer facial features, fashion sense, her skin was clearer and she was taller. After convincing herself of these advantages, Ema quickly regained her confidence and lunged forward to grab the shoulder of Yasmin, spinning her around to cuss her out for the sub-par grade.


Yasmin’s efforts to salvage the student’s horrific experiment were finally beginning to come to fruition when she was gripped from behind and pulled, only to be met by the stern gaze of a pale, round-faced woman.

“You are Miss Yasmin correct? You have my son Sam for robot class.” Ema barked, her accent growing thicker as she grew angrier with the woman before her.

“Um, Sam Robie? Yes, I have him is there a problem?” Yasmin scrambled her words together, flustered by the sudden accusation

“You give my son C for project, I help him through whole thing and you give C, you saying I’m stupid? I make Mars Rover for Romanian space program back home, I know how to make robot”

“Does Romania even have a space program?”

“Not important, I demand you give him better grade, he need high GPA to go to nice college and you stopping that”

“Looks Miss Robie, can you please just calm down, take a step back and we can talk about the grade more civilly” Yasmin calmly enunciated to defuse the situation, slowly pushing the hand off her shoulder and gesturing for Ema to move backwards. After some space was made between the two, Yasmin’s eyes quickly darted down to the engorged breasts of the woman in front of her, the two masses almost entirely filling the space between the two women, their nipples extremely close to contact as Ema’s bust imposed directly into Yasmin’s personal space, they were larger, perkier and fuller, all qualities which instilled a deep inadequacy and envy in Yasmin’s mind, already somewhat self-conscious of her sagging breasts which was only remedied by her lower body’s compensation. Even as they sagged, in her usual tight bras, Yasmin’s breasts had always been the largest out of her friends and colleagues, but now in front of Ema, she felt like a young girl in comparison to Ema’s mature and full-grown woman’s chest.

“So, why you give my son bad grade ey? You saying he stupid?” Ema quickly resumed her infuriated state, pulling Yasmin out of her jealous trance

“Certainly not Ms Robie, Sam is a bright student, but it was clearly plagiarised, the writing style was not at all similar to Sam’s previous work and that of his other subjects, it was visibly more technical and advanced than he had demonstrated, I even found extremely similar passages online,” Yasmin explained

“Bull-shit, I watch him do whole thing, it was all his words, you think he not smart enough to write that report himself ah?

Ema accused, slowly stepping and pressing her breasts up against her foe’s, her nipples hardened from the closeness and poking symmetrically into Yasmin’s through their shirts, a sensation which the American immediately felted and took a sharp gasp from. The collision slowly squeezed the pairs’ tits against each other, causing Ema’s already superior boobs to only grow larger, almost entirely swallowing Yasmin’s weaker bustline. Crowds of onlookers shifted their attention immediately, alerted by the audible argument as the gaze of hundreds could not be shifted from the colossal struggle between the two curviest women in the hall. This was, until the shrill mechanical whizzing of a motor pierced the air, emanating from the front center of the stage, the main event, Isaiah’s transporter had started up and stolen the eyes and ears of onlookers.

“Ms. Robie please take a step back, this is really not n-necessary” Yasmin squeaked out to ignore the sensations that flowed over her.

“No way bitch, promise to change the mark or everyone in this hall is going to see my huge boobs suffocate your saggy little tits” Ema asserted, pressing her nose forcefully into Yasmin’s and increasing the force of her breasts further, squeezing them tighter, growing larger outwards, pressing her nipples deeper causing a grunt of frustration from her rival as she desperately tried to push back, impossibly overpowered by the immense force from Ema’s tits.

“Get- ungh, off me you crazy- ah, bitch, you’re gonna push the table over” Yasmin pleaded to no avail as she was forced to lean further and further back as the front legs of the fold-up table she was so hopelessly pinned up against began to lift off the ground.

“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I present to you… The Transposer 9000” Isaiah declared confidently, soaking in his moment of glory with hands on hips from center stage, a short distance to the side from the continuing struggle between the full-figured foes.

“Observe! As the device will instantly teleport this apple from the platform in front of me, to the platform there at the back of the hall” he continued, prompting a swivel of heads from all of his eager onlookers.

After placing the fruit on the pad, Isaiah retreated to behind the control panel of the device and began manipulating the countless switches and levers that operated the device. After a brief delay, the whizzing from the device grew louder, and a large sphere of light began to grow around the barrel of the satellite dish-like receiver at the front of the machine. The growing noise and blinding light shocked Ema, causing her to lose balance in her titfight and fall forwards over Yasmin, knocking over the table and causing the pair to helplessly collapse into a curvy heap with Ema straddling Yasmin, in their panicked and frustrated effort to return to their feet, with Ema still trying to maintain a dominant position over her foe, the pair tripped and fell directly onto the teleporter pad just as the device completed its power up and began the execution sequence.

“NOOOOO!” Isaiah screamed before rushing back to the panel to disable his creation, to no avail. A blinding white light filled the entire gymnasium for several seconds as all onlookers covered their eyes. After several moments, the beam dissipated and the crowd could once again see the pad, only to see the women gone, followed by the apple rolling slowly off the stage. After a moment of stunned confusion, the onlookers followed the petrified gaze of Isaiah who glared directly towards the exit teleporter pad at the back of the hall.

The device had worked.

The two women had successfully been transposed to the back of the gymnasium, retaining the same straddled position with Ema on her knees pinning her rival to the ground. All seemed to be in order, aside from the incredibly obvious detail that the clothes of the pair had been vaporized by the machine, leaving each of their well-endowed assets on full, explicit display to onlookers and in direct contact with one another. The women were stunned for a moment, as was everyone in the hall, unsure of their own well-being or safety after the teleportation as they slowly assessed their surroundings, cautious of every tiny turn of the head as if one wrong move would spell their doom. After an excruciating several moments, as if by the flick of a switch every person in the hall returned to their senses, covering their eyes or averting their gaze from the clashing naked bodies before them, and Ema began to lift off of Yasmin. Only, she couldn’t. Pushing herself off Yasmin with her arms, trying to lift her torso upwards from the position on her knees, even Yasmin aiding with less than gentle pushes, nothing could remove the pair from their position. All points of contact between the two women had been melded together during the process, Ema’s enormous now fused with Yasmin’s as their contrasting skin tones flowed flawlessly into one another in a smooth gradient. Their separate assets now formed one of combined size, a free form, soft and jiggling mass that kept the two women in uncomfortable proximity to one another. As Ema continued to tug and pull, attempting to separate their fused breasts from one another, their now shared chest only stretched and inevitably pulled the two back even closer together.

“What the fuck is this?” Yasmin exclaimed, her voice trembling with shock and a growing panic

“You stupid bitch you got us stuck, you turn us into freak!”

“Me? You’re the dumb whore that pushed me over that table and made us fall! Get the fuck off me!”

The two women bickered and fought, trying to slap one another across the face, causing their shared breasts to only shake and ripple more as they stretched and squashed with every jealous movement, bringing the women’s faces closer and closer with every push and thrust, their bodies only melding further into one another as their bellies too began to melt and bond, impossibly joining the two in their current configuration, now sharing even more of their bodies with the other. Almost a minute of this back and forth had passed before Isaiah reached the pair after breaking out of his shocked paralysis.

“Miss Yasmin, uh, Sam’s mom, are you guys okay?”

“Do we fucking look okay?” the two shouted in unison, a harmony which brought a sudden surprised pause to their struggle with each other.

“Ok yep, stupid question, look, the point is, I think I can figure out how to get you two back to normal, I just need some time to adjust the machine, teleport you guys back again and hopefully it resets you. So just like, try to stay as still as you can and don’t move around too much or you might keep fusing even more, then I might not even be able to separate you. Got it?”

“Yes! Now hurry up boy I cannot stand being stuck to this disgusting bitch.” Ema snarled from only millimeters away from her rival’s face

“Yeah whatever right back at you whore, hurry Isaiah, we’re really banking on you making this work here”

“I’ll do my best, and everybody out! I don’t want this beam going haywire and fusing anyone else with each other!” Isaiah declared to the hall, prompting all parents and students to shuffle awkwardly out of the building, some still on the phone to emergency services.

“And stop looking at my tits you fucking perverts!” Ema snapped in addition, prompting several heads of Dads to snap around averting their gaze

Yasmin grinned smugly at Ema from underneath her soft body

“Don’t you mean our tits now?”

“Oh please, your puny breasts make up only a tiny fraction, this here, is allll mine” Ema retorted, shaking their massive shared bustline boastfully which jiggled and shook at even the slightest movement

before the Romanian pressed down on her new body partner with immense pressure, the weight of her entire body and their combined tits crushing the helpless Yasmin who could only let out a squeak as the air was pushed out of her lungs. Eventually, Ema let up, sitting up as far as the connection at her chest would permit prompting an enormous gasp for air from the woman below her.

“Still think these tits are ‘ours’ bitch? Look, this is all my beautiful pale skin, you just make sad bottom layer of saggy shit that ruin it” Ema persisted, trying to consolidate her physically dominant position with that of the psyche

“Ok, uh, Misses? Ladies? I need you guys to hold really still before I try to transport you guys back over here so just try to stay calm and relax as much as you can” Isaiah shouted out from behind the machine’s console, ordering the women whilst fidgeting with endless controls and settings

“Trying our best here ‘Zay! At least one of us are…” Yasmin mumbled under her breath, failing to obscure her frustration from the woman mere inches from her face

“Whatever bitch, I know you are just jealous of these beauties, you have all these curves and flesh but none of it go to your sad little tits, I know you wish you had my chest, just admit it. That’s the only reason you take it out on my son” Ema continued, taunting Yasmin by pulling back and then dropping their fused breasts back on top of her, then grinding and pressing further into her foe’s chest, crushing and squashing her ebony portion of the combined bust.

“Nghn, fucking slut, get your cow tits off me” Yasmin grunted, using her arms to push the Romanian upwards by her shoulders to relieve the pressure from her chest before grabbing on tight, rolling slightly to the right then pushing hard and forcing her body in the opposite direction, rolling the pair over such that the two were now on their side, barely teetering on the edge of the teleport pad, forcing the pair to hold on tightly to one another as to not fall off.

“Not so strong now that you’re not on top huh slut?” snarled the American before reaching around Ema’s pale hips, and grabbing a tight handful of her ass, causing a grunt of discomfort from the Romanian and pulling the two even closer to where their noses pressed firmly against each other and their lips were close enough that if both spoke at the same time, they would brush and press together sensually.

“That all you have huh? That flat little pancake? Christ, does all your weight just go to your udders and your stomach? I’m surprised those sad narrow hips could even bear a child” Yasmin fired off quickly through deep, piercing eye contact with the woman attached to her.

“You wanna talk about me being jealous of your tits? Pff, sounds like projection to me, 'cause you could never even dream of matching these curves.”

“Disgusting căţea, men only like looking at your ass because it keeps your face turned away, only doggy style, no man ever want to fuck looking at your misshapen tits and pig face.” 

Ema spat back in response, pulling Yasmin’s sepia skin even tighter against her own, bringing the pair far closer together than their bodily fusion originally entailed, prompting their bodies to only meld deeper and deeper into each other. Their bellies became less distinguishable as they fused into a single mass. T their thighs and feet also began to bond as the women became entirely inseparable, although this was not noticed as the jealous goddesses’ only concern was unadulterated domination of the other as they pressed, squeezed, pinched, and groped at one another’s assets. 

Ema crushed her opponent with her superior bust but Yasmin was clearly overwhelming her foe with her larger thighs and wider hips. It was an indistinguishable stalemate in which the only outcome was the growing loss of separate form and shape as their bodies quickly became one. Their wriggling and fidgeting caused further contact between their now largely shared legs, as their vaginas grew closer and closer to one another, Ema’s traditional smoothly-shaven vulva now unavoidably rubbing and grinding against Yasmin’s modest bush, causing an undeniable shared sensual feeling between the women, an immense pleasure that despite its massively increased intensity from their increasingly common nervous systems, neither was willing to show any sign of acknowledgment of its erotic sensitivity to the other as to concede their competition of dominance. Each woman gritted her teeth and grimaced through their stimulation, trying to contain their moans of pleasure and expressions of arousal, only growing more aggressive in their battle, Ema pressing her breasts harder, Yasmin now gripping her rival’s pale ass tighter, with both hands as the pair rolled around in a chaotic ball of jealous energy, jiggling breasts, hips and ass shaking the teleporter pad beneath them.

“Nhghnn, stop trying stupid curvă, these breasts will always be superior to your worthless ass, no man would ever look at this face, these breasts, and choose a whore like you” Ema snarled angrily

“Yeah fuckin’ right, tits are all you have, I’ve got the hips, the thighs, and the ass to get whatever I want, and I know you’re jealous, I just know you couldn’t help but stare before you swung me around earlier.” Yasmin retorted

“Don’t flatter yourself, I see your eyes locked down at my chest as soon as you see me, can’t help but wish you had a real woman’s rack, see? My tits swallow yours whole, I basically absorb all of it”

“Yeah check everywhere else hun, your skinny little legs are disappearing into mine, and at this rate, there's gonna be nothing of you left but tits”

The pair’s lower bodies had almost entirely fused, still malleable and incomplete, but well through the process of assimilating into one another’s flesh, Yasmin’s ebony hips and thighs swallowing Ema’s lower body whole, as their vaginas too began to meld and connect at the surface, their clits bonding into one, sending a profound wave of sexual stimulation through the two women’s shared bodies, one strong enough that neither could contain their urges and simultaneously moaned out loudly, mouths agape and necks cranked back in mutual pure, intense sexual ecstasy. The women’s sounds quickly alerted the tech genius from behind his console, who peeked over the console to see the pair’s altered predicament.

“Fuck, you’re still merging? Just try to hold still to slow it down, I’ve nearly got it ready to go again”

Isaiah shouted shakily, his hands jittering and causing errors in his alterations. Several moments passed as Ema and Yasmin’s bodies grew closer and closer, Ema’s tits almost entirely engorging Yasmin’s as their lower body was seconds away from complete fusion in Yasmin’s flavor before a loud whirring filled the air in the hall as the teleporter powered up once again, and a ball of light grew around its barrel.

“GOT IT!” he exclaimed, hastily redirecting the device to the transporter pad that now held the unified bodies of the fierce sexual rivals, oblivious to their surrounding and entirely absorbed in their own competition for dominance and reluctant but extremely intense arousal. Just in time before the fusion had completed, the device shot out in the same blinding fashion as before as Isaiah fell to his knees in relief. What felt like an eternity passed.

The hall fell completely silent. The light dissipated to faintly reveal the two women transported back once again. The women’s heads were apart again with 2 distinct pairs of breasts, independent in color from one another, two separate torsos, although, as Isaiah’s eyes continued scanning from top to bottom, his worst fear was confirmed. 

The women remained fused. Now they share a single pair of legs from which both of their separate upper bodies sprouted, twisted inward to face each other, pressing their breasts against one another. A distinct line of differentiating color could be observed, the leg on the side of Ema’s torso was pale, with a somewhat narrow hip and skinny quad in comparison to the other, a wide, thick, and soft thigh of mocha complexion which shook and rippled gently as the women came to. Their two independent torsos both emerged from a single pair of asymmetrically wide hips and faced toward one another, cramped in so closely that Ema’s enormous, now independent breasts had no other space to occupy other than compress the chest of the other entirely, leaving no empty air in the space between the women’s chests and bellies. 

As each woman slowly came to, rubbing their eyes from the blinding light, their arms collided with each other as they raised upward and towards their respective head, prompting the two to suddenly open their eyes, and discover their new arrangement.



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