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Originally generated by PopUpAIShop

Note: This is not my artwork. AI was used to generate the following content. I do not own the style displayed in the generated artwork.




Please share with us the specific AI and specifics(like prompt and such)?

James Dolley

I use Seaart.ai since it is much faster than trying to generate art on my Mac. Plus, you can experiment with numerous different models. Use this LoRA since it works best with most models: https://www.seaart.ai/models/detail/b675b0f7c3bfe1501536af782f94c1f5 Scroll down to see a good amount of generations to get ideas and prompts. Make sure the weight is between 1.0 - 1.2 Typical triggers are '2heads', 'conjoined_dicephalus', and 'two heads' in the prompt. CFG scale works best between 5-7 This article helped me a lot as well: https://civitai.com/articles/3419/alex-or-sandras-totally-tremendous-tutorial-workflow