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I am just curious as to the likes and dislikes of my current direction of scene development. I want to know what you like and or dislike about my current work. Sound, lighting , flow , story etc.. For example

Do you like or dislike the cinematic flow I been trying to capture in them, or would you prefer to free roam around the scene...or both options? 

Do you think scenes are to long or to short?

What are you thoughts on the story lines?

What are your suggestions moving forward?

Please comment below...


Big Chap

I'm enjoying the cinematic evolution your scenes are going through. Options are always appreciated, though. I enjoy long stories, the naughtier the better. Keep up the good work!


Thank you for the kind words. I will do my best to improve the stories and animations.


Dude you’re one of the first creators that I have seen that has a flow between scenes and I wish they would all do it. I know you can’t appease everyone but I have a beast of a computer and sometimes and about 1 out of 4 times the dialogue has started before I have actually loaded the complete scene. (That’s just me tho, mostly on Que w the starts) For those of you who can load in faster than the dialogue loads, I figure that’s their fault and the upper 15% of end users. That’s 85% of users that it’s already started, I would suggest to keep it seamless as you have it, but maybe still add that start button to start the big scenes that change like the entire setting of the scene. Just for anyone else that struggles with the load times. Appease the many not the few, and also, 65% of all stats you find in the internet are made up, so it’s in the numbers.