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Update jan 18

I have added the completed var file. my apologies for messing that up at the beginning of the week.

Ok so i have decided to upload the assetbundles for now until i get home this week. the only difference between these and the var is i have set everything up in the var so its basically a ready to go environment. the asset bundles are the environment and the props pack for it that you would need to set up. I will still upload the var file as it has timeline and lighting elements that aren't in the assetbundles.  you would need the assetbundles anyway but for now you can at least see what its all about.

Its dirty. Its smelly. And the air is thick with despair. This is not your typical Brothel. This one caters to the lowest of the low and anything goes for a price.

It comes with the brother prop pack that should be included in the var that contains some items you would expect to find in a seedy dive like this.




No worry's, was just wondering if I was missing something.


thanks for understanding. i will tell you it is done and complete. i have a few things i will be posting this week as far as props and environments though. so keep an eye out. I got my laptop working again so ill be build some stuff though the week at again.