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Well here it is. Finally. There are a few issues I haven't worked out yet but I don't want to delay it any longer. The very last scene doesn't load right and i don't know why. It was working fine up until this morning.. go figure,, I had to make some changes in order to boost performance a little, the clothing was changed and i had to remove the doors and a bunch of lights. there are also some animations that require a bit more work and I will fix those in an update. I will say this. this is the last time I do a scene with 4 people. 3 will be my max unless Meshed VR releases VAM 2.0 (don't hold your breath) Or someone comes up with a way to fix the performance issues plaguing VAM. I am releasing this now because I have to go back to work and you guys have been so very patient with me. As i said there are a few issues in it its nothing I would consider major. as for the last scene, to watch it correctly you will have to manually start it from Natasha timeline in animation 7. it does play it just start mid way though and I cant see the reason for it yet.

I do love the scene though. its very sweet and romantic and fits in perfectly with the smith series of scenes. 

Let me know what you all think. I am truly sorry it took so long this has been a crazy Christmas this year, but I am ready now for 2024. 

You can access this scene now from the proton link here under scenes. If your a collector of the smiths content you likely have all required dependencies so you can skin that download.




This is going to be great :)

David Hornbrook

is this going to be released soon?


yes. Sorry its ending up so late, i am just finishing up a couple of animations and the timing between scenes. along with balancing out time with holiday guests and stuff like that. it is looking great though. very erotic and hot in my opinion of course. animating 4 people in a scene is tricky in vam and quite slow and time consuming due to vams poor optimization. I ran into similar issues with sheenas wedding night. The difference here is a full implementation of timeline, much more detailed animations and audio. But it is coming that's a promise.