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OK guys, So i was just about to finish Midnight Visitor and for what ever reason it gets stuck on the Async load page AGAIN!!!!!! to witch the only fix is to restart vam. This isn't the first time this has happened, and i cant get any answers as to why it happens. SOOOOO.. I am installing a clean version of VAM and will use it ONLY to create scenes. 1 at a time. This way i will minimize distractions.  Keep my scene development version of vam lean and quick, and free of duplicate entries. 

My plan is to complete a scene, var it and release it then remove all traces of it before starting the next. My current vam directory is just over 500gb. its loaded with shit i simply don't need. demo scenes, old vac scenes, tutorials, and dozens of duplicate files that made it a pain in the ass when i start packing something and come to realize the scene is now depends on 5 others because i selected the wrong god dam plugin. The main reason I'm doing this is because i get sidetracked to many times and while i have several scenes almost ready I don't have any done, If I'm honest with you all i am surprised so many of you stay subscribed.  All i can say is thank you. And while you have herd this before there are great things coming. 

I have redesigned the hotel from scratch for The Escort and have redone the dialogue using eleven labs for voicing. ( I love eleven labs, game changer for my scenes 

The Dream 3 is about 75% complete, redesigned some environments for that one because it was getting far to large with the city scape i was using for a backdrop.

Island paradise Is about 50% done, that's a tricky one because in that one i am going between Jessica and her dad and Natasha and Jake, ones on the boat and the others at the resort. just a lot of jumping around. Its turning into a longer than expected story.

I have done this in the past but I am taking another poll. I am listing all the scenes I have started and are in varying stages of. I leave it to your guys to set my direction and focus. Some of them you haven't herd of yet others your likely thinking when the hell are they coming?


based in this poll will be the order I complete everything in. I need you guys to help me focus. I will continue to build characters and environments and props, when I am away from my desktop. but all scenes going forward will be worked on based on this poll.  so please vote, let me know what you want. 



Sorry for the frustrations. That really sucks. But we'll be patient, not to worry. Although it's a tough pick for which one next. Which one are you closest to completion? Or is it Dream 3 or another one?


Well i was about 3 animations away from finishing Midnight visitor until that dam async thing happened again. I don't know maybe it was too long, or to many animations. i don't get it bro. it looks like cant sleep is up. so that's where i will begin. shouldn't take long everything is basically laid out for that one its just the animations now.


If you have issues with VaM performance as a result of having allot of vars, you should look into using; https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/var-browser.27150/