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UPDATE - I have completed this scene and it is now uploaded to the proton link, Here

Note: I would recommend deleting part one, both parts are in this download.

Diane and Todd return, and they have really missed each other terribly since Todd went away to college. Diane's husband was out of town for the weekend, so she decided to surprise Todd with a visit, they spent some time catching up and after a few drinks they got cozy on the couch together. Well one thing led to another. (And they loved every moment of it).

Its been a while I know, some of you must be like WTF,, rest assured I am working hard on getting caught up. i have ran into some snags with my computer and also with my Vam install, I ended up having to blow away my windows install and start fresh, fortunately this time I have back ups of my VAM directories. however a few weeks of work did get lost but i was able to recover most of it and rebuild what was lost mostly between my laptop and some of the archive saves I made. I realize that surprise visit came out of nowhere and i am just about done with several of the older scenes that I have been promising. I just kind of got myself into a weird place with creating stuff, its like i am at a point where a lot of stuff I had been working on I just didn't like as i kept learning new ways to do stuff. so i had to redo it. I will be backing off on that logic now as i have also realized that while i may be able to do things better I am also not releasing anything to you guys and that's not fair. so here is surprise visit. I had to split it into 2 parts because i couldn't get a specific plugin to work the way I needed it to. so now I just need to edit part 2 to run as its own scene and a continuation of part 1. Confused yet??? Yeah, me too.. this is one of the most advanced scenes I have done to date, there should be very little issues with flow and alignments. I think I have discovered how to position people properly as to avoid most weird problems. I have also decided to not try to make people move around in all kinds of ways and break up the scenes with fade ins and stuff to help everything flow together, I am still experimenting with long elaborate scenes but wont release them specifically until they flow the way I want.

I am also in the process of moving my content from mega to proton. this scene being the first uploaded to proton and a test so I would really appreciate feedback as to the experience you all have when downloading from it.

In closing I want to express my gratitude to all of you for sticking with me. Some of you are new to my stuff and some of you have been here from the start. I appreciate you all. not just for your continued support but for letting me tell the stories that it tell, And for being part of this small but growing community for those with similar vices.

You can find Surprise visit here click the proton link to get to it, Its currently being uploaded and will be available shortly.




Every time I try to click the link it says I have to join for five dollars. But I have a 12$ tier?


It's working for me. I have the $12 tier as well.


ya its weird, this has happened to others in the past as well. I have double checked everything and I am good on my side..