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It has come to my attention that keys have been leaked on another website that allows people to bypass patreon. Thank you for letting me know (You know who you are SP) after pondering this for a bit and thinking of ways to combat this I realized there is no easy solution for this, the only thing i can think of is to just randomly change the key a few times per month. I'm not going to archive each post with a passwords or start creating individual keys for patreons, Its not fair to your guys who continue to support my work, it adds an administration level that I truly am not interested in maintaining and most importantly it takes away from my time in VAM making stuff. The best i can do is just make it as inconvenient as I can for whoever is leaking the keys. (guess my napster days have caught up to me.)(Karma is a bitch lol) oh well its the way things are today right... Thank you all that continue to support me. it means a lot. regardless of this I will keep posting the content you all expect from me.



There's always one ahole.