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The time has come for Jessica and Jake to learn about their special relationship. And who better than Mom to guide the way.

I have decided to move the midnight visitor scene to the back burner until i figure out why i cant get a proper gen alignment. you guys are all here for something specific and i have spent far too much time on this scene. I didn't meet my goals this month because of it and i had a few computer issues as well.  I have many other scenes that i have more in line of what you all expect from me such as this one. wip video is up now on mega with out sound (Another issue I haven't solved yet) but the scene is coming along. and will be ready next weekend.

Thank you all for hanging in there, you are all awesome and will be rewarded for your patience.

You can now grab the intro teaser scene from Mega Below in the Teaser Scenes Folder. 





This is going to be really good when your done. The walking movements are particular pain in Vam. But looks like you've got a solid start on it.


thanks man. yes walking is always a major challenge. I have been spending some time to try to get a couple of good walking animations that i can reuse when needed. i still have to sort out a few oddities in this scene regarding that. while you see it at first glance Jessica's walk is also slightly elevated off the floor i don't like that. shouldn't be to hard to fix though. Yes this will be a great scene when its done. moms voice though out it all is amazing. i also have a Jessica Jake pairing called truth or dare that I laid out that will be awesome. Plus the escort will be out soon. i ended up rolling back some of that one as it was becoming far to complex, and it would have been huge as it was relying on 3 different assetbundles.


Oooh exciting. Escort soon thought maybe that had been dropped. Truth and dare can't wait for that. Yes doesn't surprise me the floating thing. Walking and moving a actor any distance in a space is way to difficult. Been hoping for a update that could help with that. But I'm not holding my breath. Things like walking plugins help but are very limited in there abilities.


ya i tried some of the walking plugins. they are just a pain in the ass. my goal is to have a reusable timeline animation for them. i actually had some success with it. i am able to record a 3 or 4 step sequence now problem. the issue is the root control. because animations rely on it as a fixed POR. fitting it in to an excising animation doesn't work. but if i start with the walking as the first animation then i can build on it from there. the trick is blending a mocap to other action sequences. its a very time-consuming edit.


I think this is turning out very well. Except for some facial expressions and maybe breathing for some more immersion. Which it looks like you may intend anyway but just haven't got that far yet. There is just one thing. Some of the voice acting is a little quiet and I missed word or two here and there. Other than that very good work.


Thank you. Yes this is still some work that needs to be done on the micro movement front. My main goal when starting out is to get everyone positioned properly then start adding things like facial expressions and other movements. Its gets tricky especially with 3 people in the scene. But defiantly worth it in the end.