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I have replaced the current Var on mega with an updated one changing all the wav to ogg. PLease deleate the old one and use this new one that is 204.9 MB.

My test showed the sound worked in this one in a clean vam install. Please let me know if this fixed it for you guys. . 

Crunching on a Sunday to get an assignment done Jessica's pen runs out of ink. She heads to her dads office to look for one. She's not allowed in there but her dad was in the shower. She snuck in quickly to grab a pen, What she found altered her reality.

This is not officially finished yet but I wanted to share what I have so far. I am working hard on adding much more realism to my scenes pertaining to animations, sounds and the like. I think you will see that here. There are actually 4 more parts to this scene after the dream begins. I am really shooting for quality animations going forward and those absolutely take time there is no real way around that. but the effort does pay off I think. please let me know what you think. do you like the direction I'm going? do you like the animation style I am trying to achieve?

The scene will be on Mega today.





They aren't missing for some weird reason they aren't playing. i am working on it my friend. my apologies.


Emailed you possible solution . Let me know if it works.