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Just letting everyone know, I will be updating a clean version of VAM1.2x On my main PC for testing before I commit to updating working versions I use to make the scenes for here. As I understand it anything made in in Vam 1.2x will work the same in this update to 1.21 so if any of you are updating you should be fine and its business as usual. If you do have issues with any of my scenes after the update please let me know what they are so I can look into it and try and fix any issues quickly. 

It seems to be mainly bug fixes, some memory management improvements and some reorganizing of menus and stuff like that. 

Personally I would wait for a few weeks at least and monitor meshedVR's comment section on this update and see if any major issues appear as this rolls out. Just like I would for any major update from any software company. my logic, if it isn't broke don't fix it. I don't feel there is enough new content to justify the update unless your a creator or just someone that likes the latest and greatest And changes appear to be significant enough to require new keys.

Vam is hard enough to figure out as it is, adding menu changes at this stage of the game just adds to confusion. 

If you do decide to do it. consider making a backup copy of your current VAM installation, for some of you this can as small as 30 or 40 GB or be huge and will require a fairly large HDD. at least 500GB. And store it just incase you need to go back.

This is just my opinion of course.



I installed it and exept that you need a new key, it's a great release, I love the fact they fixed the memory leaks.


Yes it is much better now, i have been playing around with it for about half an hour now and so far it seems fine.