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Not sure about this one, To be honest she freaks me the fuck out. its the eyes man especially in VR. I was actually startled when she first loaded in VR lol...BUT that's me.  I am aware that a lot of people like characters like this So i thought i would post it here and find out if there is an interest in these type of fantasy i guess to some extent Anime style?? I dunno. i was playing with morphs and she kind of just showed up. I mean she's not ugly right? She is kind of cute actually in a sexy bobble head kind of way lol. Its just the eyes for me. I'm sure if they are closed in the throws of passion she's hot. just don't look at me lmao.

Seriously though. is this a direction you would like to see more of?? let me know below. (She's kind of growing on me now) Perhaps she needs a Brother or Sister to play with..




im intrigued yes, you could definitely improve this kind of design

James Doe

Wow she is hot. Definitely needs a brother or step dad