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I have decided to instead of closing the server, limiting it to 10 memberships only at a time. I had established that I had a faulty modem connection which was one main reason my internet was so slow. changing that has helped with the speed and stability a bit. don't get too excited though, its still a residential connection and slow as molasses on the my up band (Your download speed).  What it does mean is that it appears to be more stable now so members should notice less connection drop outs. I am still not confident enough to host large vars there so mega will remain the main site for large scene files. But I think limiting the number of members is the best solution for everyone. I will also be cleaning out the server and re organizing it over the next few months to make it more efficient and with content that's not to large.

We have also found out that fibe is being installed in our area, likely not until the spring or summer of next year, I will be changing providers and getting a business connection if its available. this should greatly change the speed access plus I will be investing in a back up power supply for the server to keep it alive in a power outage hopefully limiting any long server downtimes. currently is our power goes out and I'm at work I can turn the server back on until I get home which can be days as I travel for work.

Also any current server member that does not have server access please DM me, I want to make sure everyone that should have access does. 

Thank you 



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