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A nice quiet place to study, that's what all collage students need. Well here we have a small quaint study room where students and teachers can go to study or just read in peace. of course its also a good place to go if they just want to get a little frisky in the back row of books.

I have wanted a library environment for a while now for a scene idea. but right now I'm just going to post this for you all to play with. i have to many projects on the go and i want to wrap up the few scenes i am working on now before I start something else.  There are going to be two bundles accompanying my scenes going forward. the main environment and then a props pack. I figure having them separated will allow your guys more choice. for example if you just want to use a specific prop in a bundle you can add just the props that way you are not forced to load an environment that you don't need. That's the idea anyway. 



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