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Misty's is known to be easy, she has little self-respect and love playing with the boys. One night as party goers cleared out, she was the only girl left at the party. Dan and Tyrone were sitting with her playing drinking games. Misty was quite wasted at this point. One thing led to another and before she knew it, they guys had her legs spread and her panties off and were fondling her. they noticed her getting into it. "Let's take her downstairs" whispered Dan. they started playing with her in the basement "Room for two more," shouted Steve. as him and Jackson came downstairs. the rest of the night was a blur for Misty. Needless to say, She was invited to next weekends party.

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Dead link, any chance of a re-up?


I have corrected the link. sorry about that, this was linked prior to me centralizing everything on mega. you can access all my scenes that wont fit on patreon there. you can find this scene by clicking the mega link.