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Well Here it is, Finally..  I am sure a few of you have been waiting patiently, I hope you like it, Its not quite what I had envisioned for it as I really wanted a POV scene. And I just couldn't figure out how to make that happen yet, and I didn't want to keep putting this off. I mean you can still posses Dad and it does look good, I just really wanted a more immersive experience. That said I did learn some new things doing it and to be honest, I still think its hot as hell, Short.. BUT HOT..  A note to desktop users and VR users with really fast PCs. I still haven't figured out a way to sync audio and animations, while I did my best to cut audio and create scenes that fit the cuts, faster pcs and desktop mode will likely run though the animation faster than the audio. so you may need to adjust animations speeds slightly . Sorry about that, I have asked questions on that on the hub but no one has any answers yet.

 I also got no response from the creator of the original video turns out the account was terminated by YouTube, So I guess it doesn't matter now.

Hope you like it, Let me know if you have any issues, or if you have a solution to syncing audio and animations, that would be a huge help going forward.


Hex :)



Coleman Barrett

Amazing work! Came out really great. Really like the lighting effect, had to turn on the lights after and explore before realizing the set was surprisingly familiar :)


Thank you, ya I ended up using the same house becuse I was toying with Jess in it, and I just really liked the way the lighting hit her in there. Glad you liked it. I will redo it when I figure out how to do what I originally wanted